Change Gonna Come
The aim of this website is to persuade Midland Heart Ltd to act true to its founders' values of equality for all and help for the needy.
They are the Christian socialist values that motivated William Temple, bishop and archbishop of the Church of England, 1921 - 1944.
Temple was involved in the Christian Conference on Politics, Economics and Citizen-ship (COPEC) held in Birmingham in 1925.
Midland Heart exists thanks to the "Birmingham COPEC House improvement Society" formed on 5 November 1925.
Render to each person according to his deeds
Today, while claiming it holds true to them, Midland Heart acts in ways that betrays COPEC's values.
For example, no one who values all as equal can earn 12 times more than a fellow worker, but that's how equality is at Midland Heart.
Differences between its words and deeds lead some to say it is a "spiv's paradise" a corporate cesspit wherein "the moral bankrupt's greed feeds hypocrisy".
Opinion of that kind is shared by the Church which sees "a growing divide between rich and poor" as sign of no "moral compass".
The need to act in accord with his moral compass inspired Temple. He said: "It is always true that the obligations of decent men are decided for them by contingencies which they did not themselves create and very largely by the action of wicked men".
Back to COPEC's values
Following the Church's lead, especially its latest report "The lies we tell ourselves", this website will continue to shine a light of truth on the gap between Midland Heart's values and reality. Here are four values.
Diversity means differences, plural. There must be an end to the race discrimination cloaked by such a treacherous sentence as: "person's ethnicity has no bearing on her ability to do a job".
Equality means without regards to ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
Empowerment is to each tenant a share she should have in Midland Heart Ltd. And with her share the right: to attend annual general meetings, scrutinise accounts, approve corporate strategies and elect board members.
Transforming lives: There is no more simple and redemptive way of giving the helpless poor control over a very vital bit of his life than a share in Midland Heart.
They are values which must be real if Midland Heart is to hold true to COPEC's moral philosophy of standing by the poor, the put upon and doing what is morally right.
Fat chance of that happening, you might say, but to each his opinion.